
Our People About Us Cataracts Refractive Surgery Eye Conditions Eye Surgery

Cataract Surgery






Cataract is clouding or opacity of the lens inside the eye







You may notice the following symptoms

  • cloudy, fuzzy or filmy vision

  • changes in colour perception

  • sensitivity to bright sunlight

  • halos around lights and glare and dazzle at night, especially while driving

  • frequent changes in glasses prescription

  • brighter lighting needed for reading

Historically, cataracts have been the most common cause of loss of vision. The only treatment is to remove the clouded lens or cataract. Early forms of cataract surgery were often a difficult ordeal for the patient.  Fortunately, with modern medical technology, your cataract can be treated safely and effectively through a microsurgical technique. 


Cataract usually forms slowly so patients notice a gradual reduction in vision. Cataract often develops in both eyes at the same time, although it may be more advanced in one eye.


Your questions answered

The correct time to consider surgery is when vision loss interferes with activities of your daily life, such as driving, reading or watching TV. It is no longer necessary to wait until a cataract is "ripe" or "mature" before performing surgery.


Cataracts cannot be prevented nor can their progress be stopped or reversed. Fortunately, with modern medical  technology, your cataract can be treated safely and effectively through a microsurgical technique.

Cataract is not due to overuse of the eyes and is not a tumour or film over the eye.

Vision during early stages of cataract formation may temporarily improve the ability to see close objects, but as the cataract develops this improvement vanishes.

Most forms of cataract develop later in life. The lens is made of a transparent gel enclosed by a capsule. The normal ageing process causes the lens to harden and become opaque (age- related cataract). It can develop anytime after 40 years of age.

Babies can be born with this condition (congenital cataract).

Cataracts can be caused by injuries to the eye (traumatic cataract). Damage to the lens may occur as a result of a cut, blow or burn to the eye.

Cataract is more common in people with certain diseases, such as diabetes.

Cataracts do not re-appear after they have been removed.

After successful cataract surgery, some patients may find their vision becomes fuzzy and deteriorates again after a short period of time. This is caused by a clouding of the natural ‘bag’ in which the new lens is positioned. This can be easily treated by a short, painless procedure with the YAG laser.

 vision through a clear eye





vision through an eye with cataract

(click to enlarge)

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