Retinal Detachment

Corneal Graft Retinal Detachment







What is a retinal detachment?





(click to enlarge)


When a separation occurs between the retina and the wall of the eye and the part of the retina that is detached, or peeled off, does not work properly. 

The picture received by the brain therefore becomes patchy and, in some cases, vision may lost completely.  An operation is necessary to replace the detached part of the retina back in position.

What causes a retinal detachment?

Most retinal detachments develop because of a hole or tear in the retina. 

Why would this happen?

Sometimes the retina may become thin (this can occur in short sighted people), or the vitreous -  the jelly-like substance which fills the eye - separates from the retina. 

Injuries, such as a blow to the eye, can occasionally cause a retinal detachment.

Health problems such as diabetes can occasionally be the cause and cataract operations can also be a cause.

What are the symptoms of retinal detachment?

Flashing lights, a 'curtain coming down', cobweb effect or something black obscuring the vision have often been described. 

In older people these may not necessarily indicate a retinal detachment.  However, the sudden appearance of flashes and floaters means you should seek an urgent opinion from an eye specialist who will give you a full eye examination to exclude the presence of any retinal holes or breaks.

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